We pride ourselves on giving a fantastic service. Our well trained, qualified staff will provide your horses with the best care. Included in all the livery packages are grooming and trimming, tacking up and untacking, washing off, turning in and out, rug changes, feet picking out, holding for the farrier/vet, competition preparation, tack cleaning. Clipping is not included.
We bed down on straw and give the horses large beds. The boxes are mucked out and given clean straw every day and we regularly skip out throughout the day. Each box has rubber matting and automatic water drinkers. The horse are given ad-lib haylage or hay, all of which is provided by Aquetong Farm and is of the highest quality. If your horse requires shavings or any other type of bedding, we can purchase that but at your own cost.
All the horses are fed the best quality feed in accordance to their work and fitness. We avoid high sugar/carbohydrate feeds and feed high fibre and oil based products. This is included in the livery cost. Supplements are to be provided by the owner at their own cost.
We have 6 individual post and railed paddocks with electric fencing at the top and 2 large paddocks that can be split at the bottom. We have options to turn horses out together or as individuals. We always try to do what’s best for the individual horse’s wellbeing and preference. The horses get as much turn out as possible and during the summer months they can stay out as much as you would like. However, we do not turn out when the ground is very wet. Where turn out is impossible, due to adverse conditions, we will always hack or lunge your horse at no extra cost, so he or she gets out of the stable for a good leg stretch. We test regularly for worms and tape worm. Ours tests usually come back negative or extremely low.
We provide exercise. However, schooling by Sarah is an additional cost. We have space for lorries and trailers at no extra cost. We have regular visits from our fantastic farrier Michael Grange and our dentist Stuart Philpott. We have a group of brilliant physios such as Jackie Compton, Georgia Lisi, Megan King and Gemma Todd. You can of course use your own. We will do our upmost to provide your horse with the best care and give him or her everything required to make your horse happy, confident, comfortable and able to perform at his or her best.
Schooling and training with Sarah are provided on site. For livery clients these sessions are available at a reduced rate of £40 for a lesson and £10 for schooling. We offer full, competition, schooling and sales livery. Please contact Sarah directly to discuss your individual requirements.
Full/Competition Livery - £30 p/d
Schooling and Sales Livery - £40 p/d